Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

( Before)

Yay! My parents got me a shiny new Griffin Grip for my birthday (not really til Nov. 2) and I got to try it out tonight. It is really quite sweet and really makes trimming easy. There is only one problem that I have found. It makes a total mess! Because it sits higher than my wheelhead, it slings trimmings all over the place. I'm going to make a box to go around the wheel and collect all of the flying clay.



  1. How nice of the parents!
    We just trim with the splash pan off and clean up later- but I know there are better ways.
    You will use this for many years. This was one of the items we relaced first after the fire.
    In fact we have two- because we both need one sometimes and keep our tools seperate.
    Don't touch my tools!

  2. I want one! Lucky you... My mom has been asking me what I want for Christmas, maybe I should wish for this.

    Happy early birthday.

  3. Happy Birthday! And what a cool gift - you've trained your parents well - lol.
    I'd love to have one - let us know how you like it.

  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I think I'm really going to love my Griffin Grip. Now if I could just get back and makes some new work :)

  5. Hey, happy B-Day Ben!

    When you get your Giffin Grip set up with the box around it, I'd love to see a picture. I'm soooo tired of cleaning up trimming from the floor. Maybe your "box" will be the solution. Thanks!
